Every Student...Every Day


Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is the principal Illinois law governing the inspection of public records. It is a pro-disclosure statute that was originally enacted on July 1, 1984. This open government law is grounded in the principle that the public should be able to access public records and information concerning the workings of their government. Open and honest government is one of the cornerstones of American democracy and it can only be achieved through the free exchange of information between government and its citizens. The Freedom of Information Act is a critical tool that citizens can use to illuminate their knowledge concerning government practices.

KASEC FOIA Officer: Debra Quain

Open Meetings Act (OMA)

The Illinois Open Meetings Act (OMA) is designed to ensure that the public has access to information about government and its decision-making process. As a public servant, you have a duty to ensure that Illinois residents can obtain information about their government.

KASEC OMA Officer: Debra Quain

Contact Information

Kankakee Area Special Education Cooperative (KASEC)

 PO Box 71
      St. Anne, IL 60964

 (815) 422-4151
 (815) 422-5023


Website Accessibility